Men Of Courage (MOC) A ministry geared toward learning more about God and what He expects of men. — (Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Give preference to one another in honor.) — When we meet: 7:00 PM on each Wednesday after the THIRD Sunday.
When We Meet:
7 PM on each Wednesday after the THIRD Sunday of each month
Michael Mims, Men’s Ministry President
Keith Harris, Men’s Ministry Vice President

Sisters In Service Together Encouraging Righteousness – Loving Other Vessels Endlessly (SISTER LOVE) Growing together in biblical principles and in our relationship with God and each other!(Ruth 1:14b, 16; Matt. 5:16)
When We Meet:
7 PM on each Wednesday after the THIRD Sunday of each month
Katherine Barner, Women’s Ministry President
Tanisha Skinner, Women’s Ministry Vice President
Silver Saints Ministry A group of men and women age 50+ who are fired up about the Lord! We participate in prayer sessions, attend retreats; health and wholeness classes; drama and fine arts field trips, minister to the community and homebound as well as persons in nursing homes.
When We Meet:
10:00 AM on each Thursday before the 4th Sunday of each Month
Diana Johnson, Silver Saints Ministry President

Youth Ministry Ages 13-18 Years Old
The purpose of our Youth Ministry is to lead our youth to an authentic Christian faith by encouraging, teaching, supporting, and equipping them to follow God through Christ.
Our youth ministry is bible based and made relevant to the lives of our middle school and high school students. Through trust and experiences, we hope to grow relationships not only with God but between students, parents and between leaders and families. We seek to train young people to lead the cause of Christ, and apply Christianity to every area of life is what “Da Flock Ministry” is about. Da Flock Ministry reaches out to the youth with the love of God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Da Flock Ministry is designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God.
Stefan Skinner, Youth Pastor
The Children’s Ministry equips children to know God’s word and to become more like Christ in their daily lives! We guide the children on how to share the Word of God with their family and peers, help them build Christ-like fellowship with family and those in authority, and teach them to trust Christ and to submit to Him in their home, at school and church.
Gail Stamps, Children’s Ministry Leader

Saved and Sacred Marriage Ministry We are a community of married believers building our marriages on the foundation of God’s Holy word. 1Corinthians 7:1-14; Ephesians 5:22-33; Colossians 3:18-21.
When We Meet:
7:00 PM on the Third Friday of every month
Ernest and Andrel Stamps, Marriage Ministry Leaders